- Use of technology in consumer enforcement: Results from the EnfTech project, Chartered Trading Standards Institute Annual Conference 2024, Facing the future (Leeds, 18 June 2014)
- The transformative power of enforcement technology in consumer law, Teaching Consumer Law in a changing environment conference (Santa Fe, New Mexico USA 17, 18 May 2024)
- Keynote, Fairness by Design: The introduction of a positive duty to trade fairly in consumer law, Safe Internet Day Conference organised by the German Federal Ministry on Consumer Affairs and Bitkom (6 February 2024, Berlin).
- Keynote: For a on a technological approach to consumer enforcement and policy, UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts (Geneva, 18th July 2022)
- Keynote: Protecting consumers’ data in the digital world: advocating fairness by design, Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority, Our Data is being collected, stored and analysed, but to whose benefit? Does competition and consumer protection work?(16 November 2021, FCCA Day, Online)
Recent conference papers
- C Riefa, The EnfTech results are in: Mixed review for AI? UNCTAD Webinar on AI and consumer protection (29thFebruary 2024)
- C. Riefa, EnfTech: The transformative potential of technology in consumer law enforcement, First Arab Consumer Protection Forum, organised by UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, The UNCTADCompetition and Consumer Policies Branch and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of Bahrain (21 February 2024, Manama).
- C. Riefa, What is AI and what are the risks for consumers? UNCTAD Webinar on AI and consumer protection (1stFebruary 2024)
- C Riefa, AI and consumer protection: rolling out EnfTech to scale consumer protection up, United Nations IGF 2023, panel: AI Policy & Technology – a source of empowerment in consumer protection (10 October 2023, Japan)
- C Riefa, E Coll, EnfTech: the transformative potential of technology in consumer law enforcement, UNCTADResearch Partnership Platform, 14th meeting (05 July 2023 Palais des Nations, Geneva)
- C Riefa, What are the promises and dangers of AI when used in consumer enforcement? UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Expert on Consumer Protection Law and Policy, 7th session, side event organised by Brasillicon (04 July 2023 Palais des Nations, Geneva)
- C Riefa, Sanctions in UK Consumer Law, Deputy Superintedence for Consumer Protection (SIC Colombia), International Congress on Sanctioning Dosimetry in Consumer Protection (27-28 June, Online)
- C Riefa, Consumer law enforcement on social media platforms, Congreso Internacional de Derecho Commercial - Mercados Digitales (08 June 2023, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Online)
- C Riefa, Introducing EnfTech: a technological approach to consumer law enforcement, BEUC, Consumer Pro, Best Practice Seminar (22 May 2023, Online)
- C Riefa, Consumer Theories of Harm, An economic approach to consumer law enforcement and policy making, ICPEN Webinar, Assessing the impact of business practices and enforcement interventions (6 March 2023, Online)