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Managers Resources

Occupational Health Referrals

OH Referral Management Guide

OH Management Referral Form

Remote Working for Managers

CiC - Managerial Advice Service - The service provides support for managers with challenges and problems within their teams.  It can help with issues around conflicts at work, work-related stress, behavioural issues and much more.    Available on 0800 085 3805, Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, excluding Bank Holidays

CiC - Line Manager Guidance

CiC - Managers Advice Line

CiC - Managers Case Study

MFHA - Lines managers resource


Managing the menopause at work: a guide for employees and their managers

This guide provides staff and line managers with detailed information about what the menopause is, symptoms which can be be experienced and tips for line managers on what they can practically do to enable those experiencing symptoms to more easily talk about them (where they want to) and manage them in the workplace environment.

Stress Resources

Fact sheet on Stress Management for Managers

Managing Workplace Stress guide