Counselling and Wellbeing Service
About us
The Counselling and Wellbeing Team offer mental health support for students at Reading. Students who register will be offered a triage appointment to assess their current mental health needs and then support to access the most appropriate service(s) to meet those needs.
Services for students
- one-off triage appointments plus signposting to UoR/external services - individual short term counselling providing emotional support through talking therapy to help students cope with challenges, transitions, facilitate personal growth, and manage anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation.
- individual short term support from a Mental Health Adviser to provide emotional and practical support to students who struggle with complex mental health needs: enabling students to access and engage with appropriate community and NHS mental health services alongside their academic studies; support to avoid or reduce harm to self. - group therapeutic support to increase understanding and strategies to manage anxiety
Resources for staff
There are a huge number of resources open to students struggling with mental health difficulties, these can be difficult to navigate particularly for students struggling with anxiety and depression. Students who attend a triage appointment with the service will be sent a personalised "tool kit" of resources to support their future mental wellbeing, including links to services within UoR and the community.
0118 378 4216
Our admin team work Monday-Friday between 9am and 4pm except during closure days and bank holidays. We are not a crisis service and would encourage anybody who thinks that their life (or that of another person) is in immediate danger should phone 999 or go to their nearest A&E.