Liaison Adviser
Liaison Adviser Role:
The aim of the Liaison Adviser is to support H&S Co-ordinators and H&S committees in their key roles in the University safety management system. To do this, LAs:
1. Promote the role of HSCs and ensure Schools/Functions maintain HSC coverage
2. Support the development of HSCs and H&S Committees
3. Updated HSCs and Committee changes to H&S policies, learning resources, and services
4. Provide advice at H&S Committees to support local H&S decision-making
5. Ensure adequate incident investigation and improvement outcomes are discussed and actioned at committees
They do this by:
- Identifying gaps in HSC coverage and encouraging senior managers to develop and appoint sufficient HSCs
- Meet candidate HSCs and promote the HSC role
- Provide a HSC role induction to carry out their role that includes:
- access to training resources,
- hazard profiling of their area,
- familiarisation of H&SS resources available,
- H&SS team structure and key leads for their hazard profile
- organise access to the HSC communication networks
- Buddying HSCs together to improve their confidence and competence.
- Checking HSCs meet all the requirements for maintaining HSC competence
- Meet with H&S committee Chairs to promote their role and describe the support available
- Working with HSCs and Chairs to identify barriers or support needs or, where necessary, the transfer of the role to another
- Promoting the Learning Programme through committees and informing HSC’s of relevant courses. Monitoring and engaging with the Learning Programme and measuring take-up
- Supporting Schools & Functions in using the University risk register for H&S concerns
- Assist Auditor where relevant in delivering audit programme – raise awareness of the audit programme by discussing at committees
- Highlighting relevant new equipment/processes/hazards to topic leads for on-going development of the safety management system
- LAs to refer enquiries to topic leads where appropriate.
- Monitoring incidents circulated to their HSCs and offering support and feedback, and site visits as appropriate
- Ensuring initial enquiries are undertaken and that an adequate investigation is completed
- Ensuring the investigation findings are recorded on the database, are communicated out as actions to designated individuals, and are reported at HS committees for discussion
- Where they suspect incidents may be reportable to regulatory bodies, drawing these to the attention of the HSSD and, by agreement, submitting them.
- Reporting to the HSSD, and in H&S Services Liaison Adviser meetings, on HSC coverage and development, key issues and concerns.
- Working with other H&S Services Liaison Adviser to clarify demarcation between HSCs, get advice on specialist topics, buddy HSCs up together, identify gaps and themes, etc.