The University allocates around 150 entry awards each year in PhD studentships and bursaries, so there are many ways to access PhD funding. A studentship is usually a package that provides full funding for tuition fees and living costs. Information about studentships relevant for those wishing to study in the Department of Meteorology can be found on this page.

Tuition fees

Alumni discounts
If you've previously completed a degree with us, you’ll automatically receive our alumni discount (£1,500 off the cost of your tuition fees).
PhD funding

NERC Climate System and Biodiversity Science CROCUS Doctoral Landscape Award (DLA)
Funded PhD opportunities training a new generation of environmental scientists to become interdisciplinary experts with strong quantitative skills, creative thinkers, and leaders in sustainability and inclusivity. Such knowledge and skills are critical in delivering the ambitious Net Zero, adaptation and restoration plans adopted by governments and businesses worldwide. Find out more about funding from NERC CROCUS DLA.
NERC AI-INTERVENE Doctoral Focal Award (DFA)
The AI for Unlocking Datasets for Biodiversity Assessment and Prediction (AI-INTERVENE) DFA is training a new generation of AI-empowered data scientists. They will be equipped with the required AI and data science tools, ecological knowledge and wider interdisciplinary skillset to unlock the full potential of the wealth of existing and emerging sources of biodiversity data. Find out more about funding from AI-INTERVENE.
Earth System Prediction Doctoral Training Programme
This collaborative Doctoral Training Programme with the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) offers funded PhDs for researchers keen to address next-generation challenges in Earth system prediction, and operational weather and climate forecasting. Find out more about the Earth System Prediction Doctoral Training Programme.
Mathematics for our Future Climate
Are you ready to be at the forefront of mathematical solutions for climate challenges? The Mathematics for our Future Climate Centre for Doctoral Training programme is an interdisciplinary initiative that harnesses the power of mathematics to address the urgent issues presented by climate change. Find out more about Mathematics for our Future Climate.
Other available studentships for PhD study
The University's Doctoral and Researcher College School holds further information about studentships and other funding available for both UK and International PhD applicants. We suggest that international students also consider funding sources in their own country to increase their chances of securing finance.
Self-funded scholarships
The Department of Meteorology offers PhD scholarships for UK and international applicants who are self-funding.
These are available to full-time and part-time students, and those studying PhD by Distance.

Alternative sources of funding
The Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding is a database of less well-known sources of doctoral funding.

Supplement your income
You might consider part-time or casual work as a way to supplement your income during your studies. There are often vacancies at the University, which you can apply for through Campus Jobs.