There are often many pathways to the same destination. Michael Wall had worked for a clinical trials company for years before he realised that in order to advance his career, he would need a science degree.
He looked at where he wanted to be in his career and came to the conclusion that a degree in chemistry could get him there.
“I saw that the University of Reading offered a route to a BSc in Chemistry, called the OpenPlus route, which meant I could do two years of study through the Open University and then two years at Reading.”
After speaking with the senior tutor in the Department, Michael decided to switch from the BSc course to the MChem with a Year in Industry. He didn't want to end up with a good degree, but no hands-on experience. He found the support in the Department to reach this decision useful.
“It's sometimes very hard to know what you should be doing in the bigger scheme of things. I knew that I wanted to work within the pharmaceutical industry, but I wasn't confident that I knew the best way to get there.
"So, for me, it was a matter of speaking to someone about the possible routes. I was advised that doing a year in industry would be a fantastic experience.”